ZDS products are sold to Europe,America,Japan and other countries,products supplied for foreign enterprises account for 68% of total production,direct exports accounted for 15% of total production.Among them,ZDS mainly produce the accessories for well-know internateonal construction machinery manufacturers:such as Linde (China) forklift truck Co.,ltd.,Cargotec Industries(China)Co.,Ltd.,Konecranes Port Machinery(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.,Manitowoc Cranes,Ondo Metal Co.,Ltd.,Terex Corporation,Noell Crane Systems(China)Ltd.,Manitou(China)Co.,Ltd.etc.and ZDS also produce the accessories for many famous domestic companies:such as Xiamen XGMA Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Fujian Jingong Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Lonking(Fujian) Excavator Co.,Ltd.,Liuzhou Liugong Forklift Truck Co.,Ltd.,and Sany Group Co.,Ltd.etc.